Research Brief

Keeping DEI Strong in Volatile Times

In our groundbreaking research study, developed in collaboration with Seramount partners at leading organizations, we initially intended to explore the impact of economic shifts on DEI initiatives. However, our findings revealed that contemporary threats to the talent ecosystem are more complex and far-reaching.

This study underscores the need to move beyond traditional HR and talent management approaches, aligning DEI goals with broader organizational objectives for lasting business success. In today’s landscape, CHROs and Talent leaders must combine their roles as DEI advocates and strategic visionaries.

Our report offers a practical framework for seamlessly integrating your DEI agenda with business excellence, equipping you with strategies to anchor inclusive values even in unpredictable business environments.

Today’s talent leaders are vulnerable to four unique elements of volatility:

  1. Economic downturn
  2. The fight to dismantle DEI
  3. New organizational leadership that may not value DEI
  4. Changing corporate values and priorities in mergers and acquisitions
For all four, there is a clear solution, as our research demonstrates. Download the research brief now to learn how you can protect your team's hard-fought progress from all elements of volatility.
Download the Research Brief