On-Demand Webinar

Decode the Impact of SCOTUS Decisions on Workplace DEI

In the current landscape, it is critical for DEI and Legal to be aligned on acceptable risk for the organization. But at many organizations, the DEI team is experiencing either a differing perspective or a limited partnership with Legal. Interpreting the complexities of the laws that continuously change is a critical skillset to take forward into 2024, and CDOs and Talent leaders must be well-informed about these legal nuances to mitigate the risk involved with key DEI decisions and to move forward confidently in pursuit of meaningful DEI progress. 

Tune in to hear from renowned legal experts, Dana Remus and Daniel Randolph of Covington & Burling, LLP, who provide expert insight and guidance on both the risks and opportunities that have arisen from the Supreme Court's recent Harvard/UNC decision.

Webinar Highlights:
  • Navigating Complexity: Understand the nuanced implications of the Supreme Court's recent Harvard/UNC decision and its impact on workplace DEI. Explore strategies to mitigate risks and foster progress.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: Equip yourself to make informed, strategic decisions in the face of legal shifts, ensuring your organization remains at the forefront of DEI initiatives.
  • Interactive Q&A Session: Engage in a live Q&A session with our legal experts, allowing you to seek clarity on specific legal nuances and ask your up-at-night questions.  
Watch On-Demand


Katie Mooney

Katie Mooney

Managing Director
Dana Remus

Dana Remus

Covington & Burling, LLP
Daniel Randolph

Daniel Randolph

Covington & Burling, LLP
Marlene Aquino Photo Updated.png

Marlene Aquino

Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Covington & Burling, LLP