Executive Summary

DEI Backlash: What Employees Really Think

Today's DEI leaders face unprecedented challenges, from the Supreme Court's ruling against affirmative action to widespread critiques of diversity initiatives. Seramount’s 2024 DEI National Survey provides the essential insights leaders need to navigate this turbulent landscape.

With responses from over 3,000 US white-collar and frontline employees at large companies, this national survey reveals what employees, particularly those from Historically Excluded Talent (HET) groups, think and want now.

Download our executive summary to gain crucial insights to effectively guide your DEI strategy.

Explore the survey's insights on three crucial areas:
  • Commitment: How have employees’ perceptions of their leadership’s commitment to DEI changed?
  • Progress: How have employees’ experiences of equity and inclusion changed?
  • Desires: In these volatile times, what do employees want from their organizations?
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